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What is a picture database?

One of the many things that set our website apart from other celebrity sites is our New Version 7.0 Celeb Photo Database. All the pages are generated on-the-fly by a Super Fast database engine.You have complete control over how you want to view or search your favorite naked celebrity photos, video clips, biographies and filmographies. You have to experience and use this state of the art photo gallery system.
What' s Hot This Month?

Celebrity Who Fucks 620 Guys in 48 Hours

The world's largest Gang Bang video is running 24 HOURS A DAY in our member's area! THE HOUSTON 500, as talked about on Howard Stern, E! and many other shows, is the hottest, hardest porn event of the year with more CPM (Cumshots Per Minute) than any XXX movie in history!!! !!!
Check it out NOW!!

Why choose us?
  • We have been the Celebrity Experts since 1995.
  • We have the largest collection of nude celeb photos in the world.
  • We have a staff of over 25 people dedicated to this website.
  • We have the highest qualtiy customer service on the net.
  • The most updated website on the internet.
  • Quality, Consistent Updates and Speed are just a few of the reasons you should choose us.
Is there a membership fee and why?

This question is best explained by a email received from one of our members.

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great website. I used to spend hours searching the internet for photos of my favorite celebs in the nude. And I was always bombarded by sites that had hundreds of banners, pop-up windows and very seldom did they have the pictures I was looking for.

Now I know that your staff is doing all the work for me, I can spend my extra time enjoying the great features in your site like, live shows, videos, chat, photos, instead of wondering helplessly throughout the internet.
Thank you,

A very happy member.

Our staff is dedicated to bringing you, the member, the best quality website on the planet. We incur thousands of dollars in expenses each month keeping our staff employed, our web site computers and super fast internet connections running 24 hours a day, plus providing all the website content for our members.
That content includes: live sex shows, thousands of porn movies, chat rooms, and much, more. In order to provide such a high quality service, we have to charge a monthly membership fee to cover our enormous cost in operating this website.